Locating Missing Textures

If there are any textures missing from your project, through being deleted or moved to a different location on your PC, you will have been informed by warning messages when opening the project file (see Opening a Project File). You will also see any missing textures flagged as ‘Not found’ in the Texture Registry.

If a project file cannot find associated textures, the affected elements of the scene will not be displayed properly, leading to missing objects or incompletely rendered elements. Follow this procedure to locate any missing textures and associate them with the project.

To locate a missing texture:

  1. Select Tools > Texture Registry.

    The ‘Texture Registry’ dialog is displayed, listing all textures used in the scene.

  2. Click anywhere in the row belonging to the missing texture file.
  3. Click the Locate Selected button.

    The ‘Browse for folder’ dialog is displayed.

  4. Navigate to and select the folder where the texture file is located.
  5. Click OK to load the missing texture.

    If more than one missing texture is found in this location, you are asked whether you want to load the next texture(s) as well. Click one of these four buttons:

    • Yes
    • Yes to All
    • No
    • No to All
  6. When you have finished locating and loading textures, Click Close.